Are you confused as to how to get to our Google Map of the trail?
We have multiple links on our website to find it. Here are just a few places you can find your way to the Interactive Map.
The first place you can find the link the the interactive map is on the home page. The big button underneath the welcome statement and before the "coming soon to the trail" section. The next place you will find the link is on the bottom of every page in the social bar. The first icon takes you to our Facebook page, the second our Instagram. The third is a Barn Quilt trail inspiration board on Pinterest. And the fourth icon takes you to the interactive Google Map.
The third place to find links to the map are on both the 8' and 4' Barn Quilt Pages. Here you can also get our "Booklet" which needs to be updated for all the new quilts. And also you can download a Host Application.
Lastly you can get the link to the map on our Contact page just below the contact form. Here you can also get your copy of the Host Application as well.
Once you are on the interactive map you can show/hide either just the 8' Barn Quilts or the 4' Barn Quilts. You can also click on individual barn quilts to get their story, location, host and some photos. We invite you to check out this ever changing map. Every new barn quilt that goes up gets put on the map. And when there is a new barn quilt waiting to be hung up they get put on as coming soon.