This quilt is very special, not only is it one of the few we have that hangs on a diamond, but it has multiple significant and sentimental elements that make it one of a kind. When first working with Lorie Smith (nee Saunders) she shared with me samples of her mothers work. Among these samples were a few colonial girls and some dresden plates. I wanted to incorporate both of these patterns into the Barn Quilt design because of they were her favourite. The plaid was an interesting feat on this quilt also, after a lot of time and attention it came out perfectly. I did not know Eleanor well, but I did have the opportunity to spend some time with Ed before he passed. Ed was a stand up man, kind hearted, gentle, loved to have a chat and laugh with you over a "hammerhead". He was a wealth of stories of times gone by, local history and farming. This tribute quilt puts a smile on my face every time I drive by it. You can enjoy Eleanor's Colonial girl on the top of Spring Hill on Grey Road 40 between Chatsworth and Walters Falls. For now you can enjoy this amazing story behind this tribute quilt.