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4 Reasons Why Everyone Needs a Barn Quilt

Writer's picture: Hiliary BreadnerHiliary Breadner

Some people don't think they can have a barn quilt, they say they don't have a good place for it, or that they can't have one because they don't have a barn. We say those reasons are poppycock!

4 Reasons Why Everyone Needs a Barn Quilt

We are here to tell you why there are 4 reasons why EVERYONE needs to have a Barn Quilt for their house, farm, business or otherwise!

1. A Barn Quilt Tells a Story!

Barn Quilts are not only a beautiful contemporary folk art but the reasoning behind them is the real gold! Some of the stories are short and sweet, others are full of history and family tradition! The Barn Quilts of For the Love of Grey Barn Quilt Trail tell stories of agriculture, family tradition, local history, heritage, in memory of someone and tourism. You can read these stories on our website, our google map and our Barn Quilt Booklet that you can download from our website.

2. Barn Quilts can be hung anywhere!

Barn Quilts obviously go on Barns but they also can go on a whole host of other places. Some ideas could be the side of your business, on a shed, garage, on a house, community centre, on posts in a garden or field. Literally the options are endless. Contact us to chat about your property and where you can have your own Quilt.

3. Barn Quilts can be different sizes.

Our committee makes 4' and 8' Barn Quilts for our trail and 2' Barn Quilts on the side. This makes for a very inclusive size range for everyone.

4. Sponsoring your own Barn Quilt can be great advertising!

Not only will sponsoring your own barn quilt give you the opportunity to potentially write it off, but it also gives you lots of advertising opportunity! Your business would get the Sponsor line for your Barn Quilt on all print, online and social outlets. Also if you have an establishment you would like people to come visit, your quilt can either bring people by who are driving the trail, or it can catch the eye of someone passing by! People love to stop in and ask what your barn quilt is.

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